Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sadie and Ratz

By Sonya Hartnett and Ann James

This book is about Hannah, and her mischievous hands Sadie and Ratz. When her brother, Baby Boy, makes Hannah upset, Sadie and Ratz go nuts and "try to rub his ears off." Eventually, Baby Boy is tired of getting his ears rubbed off, and gets street smarts; when he draws on the walls or breaks something, he blames Sadie and Ratz. Of course, Hannah's parents know how her hands behave, and she gets into trouble. When Baby Boy pulls a leg off Hannah's pet bug, Hannah has had enough! She decides to put Sadie and Ratz in timeout to claim her innocence. Her parents realize it was Baby Boy, and Hannah is free of charge. 

I think this book would be perfect for a class, because most everyone, as a child, had an imaginary friend. Even though Hannah's hands are not imaginary, she gives them separate personalities, thus them becoming imaginary individuals. She sees her hands as separate beings, and at one point in the book even discusses what they want to be when they grow up. Also, children can relate to having younger siblings that irk them, and having to deal with the frustration, and the punishments as a result of acting out on that frustration.

Overall, I think this book was very entertaining, and shows children that you can stick up to your parents if they are wrong. Hannah shows this by planning and proving to her parents that she was innocent, not by yelling and screaming. 


  1. I have never heard of this book but it sounds like a really fun book to read. I love the concept behind the book because it seems a lot different then a lot of books I have heard of! I agree with you for the reasons that it is something a lot of kids could relate to! and I may just have to read this book now!

  2. I am intrigued by this book. The message behind it seems realistic but humorous at the same time. I do agree with the idea of explaining yourself without screaming or yelling. This book could be a great addition to my children's library. I would also use this book when dealing with a sibling rivalry in the house or in the classroom.

  3. this book sounds very interesting. it does seem to have a humorous and creative aspect, which would be fun to engage the kids with. the concept of sibling rivalry is something that many children could relate to. i would definitely use this book in my classroom!

  4. I feel that this book would be very interesting to read, and many children should hear stories about this kind of stuff because it may pertain to them.
